Monday, June 30, 2008

Update on the "Interview Series"

We are in the process of converting our "Interview Files" and They should be up soon! We just got the go-ahead with Pastor Mark Driscoll on July 22. We will be having the interview with Pastor Mark Barlow, Pastor Andy Huette and myself. Later!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jesus Wins! A short Poem!

This world has been bitten by the consequences of sin.

It is the state that we are all in!

God had one way to pardon us all from our sin.

God sent Jesus Christ to Win!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"On the Old Testament" Book Review

I just got back from vacation and I read Mark Driscoll's new book, A book that you'll actually read, On the Old Testament. It was a great concise overview book on the Old Testament. What I enjoyed most about it was his emphasis connecting our understanding of the Old Testament to the Person and Work of Jesus. It is a must read for any Christian! Pick it up! It is like 90 pages.

The Prayer of the Passionate Preacher

Dear Sovereign Father,

I long to be a man of the Book
To unpack its profound meaning

My prayer is to get lost in Your richness
To fill the hole that is in my soul

To read Your Words and let them linger
To see Your Holiness in each passage

To stop and be struck by Your unfailing Truth
To have my heart be Gripped by your Grace

To prepare each thought under the Holy Spirit's illumination
To make sure that I am percise all my preparation 

To cogitate over the meaning of the passage 
Never to miss the context, the text and the application

To preach each week with boldness, graciousness and truthfulness
To realize that the Words in the text set people free from bondage

The Words in the text open their eyes to their true state
To show them in the text Your unmeasurable grace

To show Jesus in the text and that He is the meaning of the text
To show them that Jesus is more than enough for this life and the next

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Keep Believing

I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Ray Pritchard this last week and he was such a humble man. He gave me a nugget that I so appreciated. He really encouraged me in my preaching in adapting to my audience without watering down the message! 

Thanks Ray!

*Go to his site:
**Read his book Credo 

Interviews Went Well! MORE TO COME...

Dear All,
We did three interviews this last week and our program is called, "Christ-Centered-Theology" we also call it C.C.T. We interviewed Dr. Philip G. Ryken, Dr. Tom Schreiner and Dr. Ray Pritchard. We moved Bruce Ware back for a few weeks, and next week we are interviewing Dr Brian Vickers he recently wrote the book, Jesus' Blood and Righteousness by Crossway Publishers. It deals with the doctrine of imputation. We are looking foward to interviewing him as well. We also have Pastor Mark Driscoll, Dr. Sam Storms (Both in July) and Pastor James MacDonald (In August) coming up as well. We will keep you posted and when we are ready we will link you to these audio series.