A. Theology
1. Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem
2. Abraham's Four Seeds, John Reisinger
3. Christ in the Shadow of the Law of Moses, Vern S. Poythress
4. New Covenant Theology, Steve Lehrer
5. Christ For Real, Charles Price
6. Gripped by the Greatness of God, James MacDonald
7. Knowing God, J.I. Packer
8. The Holiness of God, R.C. Sproul
9. Foundations of The Christian Faith, James M. Boice
10. Concise Theology, J.I. Packer
11. The Unfolding Mystery, Edmund Clowney
12. According to Plan, Graeme Goldsworthy
13. The Doctrines That Divide, Erwin Lutzer
14. The Doctrine of God, John Frame
15. Symphonic Theology, Vern Poythress
16. Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility, D.A. Carson
17. Chosen For Life, Sam Storms
18. Interpreting the Pauline Epistles, Thomas Schreiner
19. Now That's a Good Question, R.C. Sproul
20. The Cross and Salvation, Bruce Demarest
21. Christian Theology, Millard Erickson
22. The Holy Spirit, Donald Bloesch
23. Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, Bruce Ware
24. Him We Proclaim, Dennis Johnson
25. The Doctrines of Grace, Ryken and Boice
B. Christian Living
1. Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper
2. I am not but I know I Am, Louie Giglio
3. I Really Want to Change...So Help Me God, James MacDonald
4. Jesus on Trial, Boice and Ryken
5. Loving Christ, Joseph Stowell
6. The Great Work of The Gospel, John Ensor
7. Holiness By Grace, Bryan Chapell
8. The Gospel for Real Life, Jerry Bridges
9. Can God Bless America, John MacArthur
10. Simply Jesus And You, Joseph Stowell
11. In Light of Eternity, Randy Alcorn
12. Life is a Vapor, John Piper
13. The Cross Centered Life, C.J. Mahaney
14. Christ Our Mediator, C.J. Mahaney
15. Saved From What?, R.C. Sproul
16. The Grace and Truth Paradox, Randy Alcorn
17. Convergence, Sam Storms
18. The Singing of God, Sam Storms
19. What Angels Wish They Knew, Alistair Begg
20. Credo, Ray Pritchard
21. Trusting God, Jerry Bridges
22. Our Sufficiency In Christ, John MacArthur
23. The Weight of Your Words, Joseph Stowell
24. Too Good To Be True, Michael S. Horton
25. Classic Christianity, Bob George
C. Commentaries
1. NINCT The Epistles To The Romans, Douglas Moo
2. Preaching The Word Commentary on Exodus, Philip Graham Ryken
3. Triumph of the Lamb, Dennis Johnson
4. Preaching The Word Commentary on Genesis, R. Kent Hughes
5. The Gospel According To John, D.A. Carson
6. The Justification of God, John Piper
7. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries Colossians and Philemon, N.T. Wright
8. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries I Peter, Wayne Grudem
9. The NIV Application Commentary, 2 Peter and Jude, Douglas Moo
10. The Cross and the Christian Ministry, D.A. Carson
11. Commentary On The New Testament Use Of The Old Testament, Leale & Carson
12. Reformed Expositor's Commentary, Galatians, Philip Graham Ryken
13. The Letter of James, Douglas Moo
14. Basic for Believers, D.A. Carson
15. Holman Old Testament Commentary on Job, Steven J. Lawson
16. Holman Old Testament Commentary on Psalms (2 Volumes), Steven J. Lawson
17. That You May Believe, Skip Ryan
18. The Battle for The Beginning, John MacArthur
19. The Hope of Glory (A Devotional Commentary on Colossians), Sam Storms
20. The Message of The Old Testament, Mark Dever
21. The Message of The New Testament, Mark Dever
22. Studies In The Sermon On The Mount, Martin Lloyed Jones
23. Poet & Peasant And Through Peasant Eyes (A Literary- Cultural Approach to The Parables in Luke)Kenneth E. Bailey
24. The Expositor's Bible Commentary on Matthew, D.A. Carson
25. Reformed Expositor's Commentary on Hebrews, Richard D. Philips
E. Preaching and Pastoral Ministry
1. Brothers, We Are Not Professionals, John Piper
2. Pastoral Ministry, John MacArthur
3. Preaching, John MacArthur
4. Counseling, John MacArthur
5. Preach the Word, Leland Ryken
6. Shepherding the Church in the 21st Century, Joseph Stowell
7. Christ-Centered Preaching, Bryan Chapell
8. Biblical Preaching, Haddon Robinson
9. The Expository Genius of John Calvin, Steven J. Lawson
10. Famine In The Land, Steven J. Lawson
11. The Supremacy of God in Preaching, John Piper
12. Feed my Sheep, Various authors
13. On Being a Pastor, Alistair Begg
14. Preaching the Cross, Mark Dever and various authors
15. From the Front Lines, Joseph Stowell
F. Books on Marriage and the Family
1. Courageous Parenting, Jack Graham
2. Shepherding a Child's Heart, Tedd Tripp
3. Never Walk Away, Crawford Loritts
4. Building Strong Families, Dennis Rainey
5. Seven Words to Change Family... Before it is Too Late, James MacDonald
6. Family Driven Faith, Voddie Bauchman Jr.
7. The Legacy, Steven J. Lawson
8. Family Survival In An X-Rated World, Adrian Rogers
9. The Most Important Place on Earth, Robert Wolgemuth
10. Lasting Love, Alistair Begg
11. Different by Design, John MacArthur
12. Love that Lasts, Gary & Betsy Ricucci
13. Each For The Other, Bryan Chapell
14. Marriage Connection, Greg Laurie
15. Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart, John Ensor
16. Sex God, Rob Bell
17. Intimate Marriage, R.C. Sproul
18. Love, Sex, and lasting Relationships, Chip Ingram
19. I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebekah, Ravi Zacharias
20. The Purity Principle, Randy Alcorn
G. Hermeneutics
1. God Wrote a Book, James MacDonald
2. Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics, Graeme Goldsworthy
3. The Cannon of Scripture, F.F. Bruce
4. Scripture and Truth, Carson and Woodbridge
5. God's Word, J.I. Packer
6. Interpreting the New Testament, Darrel Bock
7. Can We Trust The Gospels, Mark D. Roberts
8. Exegetical Fallacies, D.A. Carson
9. Translating Truth, Wayne Grudem
10. Pierced by the Word, John Piper
11. How To Study The Bible, John MacArthur
H. Books on the Church
1. The Deliberate Church, Mark Dever
2. Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, Mark Dever
3. Stop Dating the Church, Joshua Harris
4. The Church, Edmund Clowney
5. City on a Hill, Philip Graham Ryken
6. From Sabbath to Lord's Day, D.A. Carson
7. The Master's Plan for The Church, John MacArthur
8. Recruiting Volunteers in Church, Mark Senter
9. Fan the Flame, Joseph Stowell
10. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Philip Graham Ryken and Mark Dever
I. Apologetics and Culture
1. Think Biblically, John MacArthur
2. The Gagging of God, D.A. Carson
3. Culture Shift, R. Albert Mohler
4. Beyond Opinion, Ravi Zacharias
5. The Trouble with Jesus, Joseph M. Stowell
6. How should We Then Live, Francis Schaeffer
7. No Place for Truth, David Wells
8. God in The Wastelands, David Wells
9. Losing our Virtues, David Wells
10. Above All Earthly Pow'rs, David Wells
11. Truth War, John MacArthur
12. Velvet Elvis, Rob Bell
J. Top Study Bibles and Translations
----Study Bibles:
1. The ESV Study Bible
2. The Reformation Study Bible
3. The MacArthur Study Bible
4. The Literary Study Bible
----Bible Translations:
1. The English Standard Version of the Bible
2. The New American Standard Version of the Bible
3. The New King James Version of the Bible
4. The King James Version of the Bible
5. The Holman Christian Standard Version of the Bible