Does Grace have a dark side? I have been pondering this question for the past few months. I believe that it does. When I say, "dark side" I do not mean that it is bad, but that it is sufficient in the dark seasons of life. I have been in my most profound season of depression ever. I'm to the point where if I never heard a person say to me that it is going to be ok, it wouldn't be too soon. I hear things like, "God has a special plan for your life." I believe that God has a sovereign plan for my life, but it isn't some quick easy statement that I can easily behold in my heart. I have struggled more with my spiritual walk this past year than ever before. I don't take statements when I hear them for granted, and I'm wiser to not say those things to people who are going through immense pain in their lives. Words can be cheep, but Grace isn't.
What about this dark side to grace. Christians tend to think that they are under the blessing of God when things are going well in their lives. I think about the multitude of characters in the Bible who endured dark times. Most importantly, Jesus Christ who endured many dark seasons in life. I think of Hebrews 12:2a, "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross," Jesus endured for joy. James puts it this way, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness" (James 1:2-3). One of the various trials is dark. The word "various" translated from the Greek means multi-colored. The word was used to refer to Joseph's multi-colored coat that he received from his father Jacob. I believe one of the colors would be a dark color. What are the dark colors of life that you have faced? Trials are a times where Grace and Pain intersect. They are not easy, and can be deeply depressing and cause severe anguish in our lives. Grace and Trials are inevitable in our lives! Count on them, and expect to meet God through the darkness!
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