There was this French infidel named Voltaire who lived in the 1700's. He really wasn't to keen on the Bible. He really did not enjoy the Bible. He really had a big-time issue with the Bible. He predicted that within a 100 years of his lifetime that the only place that you would find a Bible would be in a museum. The point he was trying to make is that the Bible's message would no longer be vogue, or that it would be totally yesterday's news. People would move on, and move on to more current and helpful spirituality.
However, Jesus so has a profound sense of humor, and He was going to personally prove it. Instead within 50 years of Voltaire's death, in 1778, the Geneva Bible Society purchased Voltaire's home for a printing press. They used his printing press to print Bibles. Jesus certainly had the last Word on the issue. Isaiah writes, "The Grass withers, The flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever" (Isaiah 40:8). No matter what man says or does, he cannot thwart God's unalterable purposes. The testimony of the Word of Jesus Christ is such a confidence booster. It's internal evidence gets Voltaire. The Bible is inspired by God (II Timothy 3:15-16). Think about this. God breathed His Word into 40 people. These 40 people could not be more diverse. Some were shepherds, some were political leaders, doctors, tax collectors, religious leaders and fishermen. These people lived over a period of about 1,500 years. The writers had absolutely zero contradictions in their books, and they all were connected to and by Jesus Christ. The ability for us to get 40 different authors from various walks of life over period of 1,500 years and have no contradictions. If I were to take 4 people and have them watch a car accident, and I promise you that they will have inconsistencies. It would be impossible for me to do this. Oh yes, but with Jesus all things are possible. It was not difficult for Jesus at all. Voltaire is one man that tried to attack the greatness of the Bible, and he mocked the Bible. Who's laughing now Voltaire? "He Who sits in the heavens laughs: the Lord hods them in derision"(Psalm 2:4). Thank you Jesus for proving Voltaire wrong, and for graciously saving me!
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