Have you ever heard the popular notion that all roads lead to same place? This presupposition is used for people getting to God. You take your way and I will take my way and we will both end up getting to God. There is problem with this line of thinking is that it is not logical. If I were to drive from Milwaukee to Chicago and I took HWY 43 north to Green Bay would I ever get to Chicago? No! I could drive till I am blue in the face and I will never get to Chicago. HWY 43 north was never built to take people to Chicago. From a logical (seeing life through human perspective) perspective, all roads do not lead to the same place and from a theological (seeing life through Jesus' perspective) there is one way. Jesus said it this way, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). The definite article the is showing exclusiveness as in He is the only way. All roads do not lead to God and only through Jesus do we get to God.
We use the idea that in faith, sincerity is the most profound issue. Let's say that I want to make chocolate chip cookies and I sincerely want to make soft and chewy cookies. The ingredients that I am going to use is flour, onions, salt, pepper, lemon juice and cow manure. Are those the proper ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies? Stop just a second before you answer that question and remember that I am sincere. My hearts desire is to make chocolate chip cookies. You are thinking, "Dude, you are a moron! You cannot make chocolate chip cookies with those ingredients." Jesus when talking to the pharisees said this about their sincerity. You blind fools! (Matthew 23:17a). The Greek word for fools is moroi which we get the word "moron" from. When Jesus calls you a moron then you are a moron! Sincerity is moronic if it is not biblical. Sincerity will get you a free pass to hell.
Don't be foolish! There is one road and one recipe to get you to have a relationship with God. That is His Son Jesus Christ! Amen?
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