Thursday, May 1, 2008


Am I self aware? I have been pondering that question all last night. Recently some people who care about me brought up and issue that was very sensitive to me. It is something that I work very hard at to do well. I went through the whole gamut of emotions like they are wrong to they are so right. My hope is that even though they are probably right that my motives in what I do are right.

I have always been self aware when it comes to motives, but maybe not results of actions. Please pray for me that I would be more self aware how others would receive something than how I perceive people will receive what I am doing. Amen?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I have find that I am still learning lessons like this and I am forty. We should all crave for opportunities like this where we can learn and be corrected by the saints. You (hopefully) will learn many lessons like this.

You should be very very thankful for people who were willing to come and speak with you about whatever the issue was. This is very uncommmon today.

Another not be so quick to judge that your actions were wrong but your motives were right. " "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Our prideful sinful hearts crave for self-glorification and self- recognition, and we lack the wisdom of God, so even our motives are corrupt.

I am just reading a book that is excellent for me, entitled "Humility" by CJ Mahaney. I feel that this is a must read for all pastors.

Just a last comment. I am not a TV watcher either, but the comment about TV watching comes across as arrogant and will turn off more people than it will challenge. Not helpful.

Press on toward the mark of your high calling in Jesus Christ.